

Benedicte is that rare artist who opens her heart to all of us. Her paintings speak to me in so many ways that evoke my love for horses and their willingness to trust their human partner. They are special, almost magical creatures and their mystique is captured powerfully in Benedicte’s work.

Deb Roccaforte

“Thank you, Bénédicte, for creating this smaller version of the original artwork for me. The original I am keeping for myself, but this allows me to also share your artwork with a friend! I had a great time choosing a frame for it.”


“I longed and longed to purchase this ink, but kept torturing myself. Couldn’t bring myself to part with the money. I caved and realized I had to have the piece. It captures the element of the equine soul… you can see it there in the detail. Couldn’t be happier to call it mine. Thank you.”


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